Who we are

We are a group of researchers and clinicians working in the field of sexual health at Monash University, The University of Melbourne and Alfred Health.

We specialise in bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infection research.

Associate Professor Catriona Bradshaw

Associate Professor Catriona Bradshaw

Sexual health physician & researcher
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

Dr Jade Bilardi

Dr Jade Bilardi

Sexual health researcher
Monash University

Professor Christopher Fairley

Professor Christopher Fairley

Sexual health physician & researcher
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (Director)

Professor Meredith Temple-Smith

Professor Meredith Temple-Smith

Sexual health researcher
The University of Melbourne.

Dr Lenka Vodstrcil

Dr Lenka Vodstrcil

Sexual health researcher
Monash University

The ‘What’s Going On Down There?’ research team are unable to answer any specific questions or provide individual advice.  If you have any concerns we strongly advise you to see your doctor or visit www.mshc.org.au.

Why the website?

Through our research we know that most women are aware of the common yeast infection, thrush, but have never heard of another common vaginal infection, bacterial vaginosis.

Women who get bacterial vaginosis often think they have thrush and treat themselves using over the counter thrush medications.

Unfortunately, thrush medications have no effect whatsoever on bacterial vaginosis. Women are left with this uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition.

Our aim is to raise women’s awareness of bacterial vaginosis so that they can seek the right testing and treatment for this common condition.

We have been assisted in developing this website by women with bacterial vaginosis or thrush.

How are we funded?

‘What’s Going On Down There?’ has been independently developed by our expert research team.  It was sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from Bayer Australia Ltd to raise awareness about vaginal health and infections.

Bayer Australia did not contribute to the design or content of the website.

Rebecca, age 38

“…It’s quite isolating, because women don’t talk about it, and there must be, must be women in my life who, who have had it, and, and I mean we just don’t talk about it, it’s that shame I suppose, embarrassment…”

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms today.

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